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Blockchain Project Cards: Each card represents a blockchain project, with stats dependent on Token data, NFT data, and social activity (such as tweets).
Card Buffing: Users can stake their tokens or NFTs to strengthen their cards.
Card Merging: Players can merge cards of the same level to upgrade them to a higher level card.
Ranking and Rewards System: Players battle each other to improve their rank. At the end of the season, rewards are distributed based on user rankings.
Each Session is divided into 2 main phases: the Preparation Phase and the Battle Phase.
Starting at midnight, players have 24 hours to register for the round. During this phase, players can select and arrange their cards into the unlocked battle slots.
Setup card: Players can organize N teams for battle in a single session. Each team can have a maximum of 5 cards in battle. Players can choose to Stake/Unstake to increase or decrease the strength of their cards for balance.
By default, players can only use 3 out of 5 slots. The remaining 2 slots can be unlocked using $SUGAR tokens. Unlocking additional battle slots gives players more options and strategies during the match, increasing their chances of winning. Players can increase the number of battle teams (N) by using $SUGAR tokens.
Select Mode: After setting up the card, you have to select the mode to play. There are 3 modes: Ranking, Score, Betting.
Register: Enter the stake you and start to find the Opponent
Game Matching: Your deck will be moved to the Battle Room, where the system will search for the most suitable opponent for you.
This phase lasts for 24 hours following the preparation phase, consisting of 24 battle rounds. The first round begins at 1:00 AM. At the start of each round, card stats will automatically update to reflect the latest data from the projects they represent.
The team with the higher speed stat will attack first.
The two teams take turns attacking in sequence. The first card in the lineup will lose HP when attacked by the opponent. If it runs out of HP, the card can no longer attack or defend.
During this phase, players can still Stake/Unstake assets. Unstaking/Restaking will change the cardâs stats, but the new stats cannot exceed the stats set during the preparation phase.
Battle Summary:
The team that loses all the HP of their cards first will lose the match.
If both teams still have cards remaining, the team with more total HP will win.
If both teams have equal HP, the team that attacks second will win.
The winning player will receive +10 BKO, while the losing player will have -10 BKO deducted.
There are 2 kinds of stats:
Attack (ATK), Defense (DEF), Health (HP), and Speed (SPEED).
These stats will change with each battle round, based on market and social data from the respective project, as well as system-based stats.
Critical Damage & Critical Rate.
Special stats are calculated based on the value of Beraji tokens and NFTs staked on BerajiKO
Check out CARD STATS formula: Card Stats Formula
In addition to the factors mentioned above, the staked amount is a key component in boosting your stats. Staking on Beraji-KO not only enhances your in-gamestats but also offers several other valuable benefits.
Learn more about the staking feature: HERE